Fuel your success with a practical framework and processes for hitting your targets in business and life.
David Rambhajan
The #1nspiring approach helps entrepreneurs, managers, consultants, and coaches to get a clear insight in the business plan of an organization, a department, or a team. In a simple, rather fast, and playful way, it shows you what is already well covered and what needs further attention. When you fill in the canvas in an honest way, you get great insights for further exploration and discussion. The model is also a valuable tool to check the status of the business plan on a regular basis. Bart is teaching this model and canvas in an inspiring and stimulating way. If you have the opportunity to join one of his trainings do it.
Dick A. Rüger, Vice-president, PWN Netherlands
We collaborated for the Qredits entrepreneurschool that we hosted at SHV for the 10 weeks where future entrepreneurs are supported to start their own business or to further develop existing businesses. It was a true pleasure to work together and sense this personal way of engaging with entrepreneurs from various backgrounds. By using rich experience on entrepreneurship combined with a great sense of humor all evenings were both learningfull and fun. I would highly recommend you to have a chat if you have questions on how to kickstart your business.
Maurits Bos, Treasury manager, SHV Holdings
Everyone runs around with a lot of ideas, but you only need 1 spark to ignite your idea and start to make a product from your idea…..that’s what #1nspiring can do for you.
Marc Wesselink, Venture Rock
Learn to create your own map for the future.
Arne van Oosterom, Founder Blue Sky Republic & FutureSkills, Co-Founder DesignThinkers Academy Amsterdam
I had a chance to attend one of #1nspiring workshops and I fell in love with the #1nspiring approach – in a simple, but smart way you will get a high-quality product in a short amount of time. #1nspiring will inspire you and equip you with the necessary knowledge to help you make your dream come true.
Minela Zerdo – Puljic
#1nspiring comes with an easy to learn tools and approach based on the fundamental knowledge as a strong background. You want to do it cause it is fun! Fun to learn and fun to grow.
Maciej Kupisiewicz, founder, Castomo
Inspiration is the water that feeds the plant which is called motivation.
#1nspiring ensures that you are using high quality water.
Josuel Rogers, Motivator & Coach
As an entrepreneur there are a thousand things you could be doing, but are you doing the right things? #1nspiring will help you to simplify and focus on the things that are important so that you can move forward in the right direction!
Chris van de Nes, The Happiness Vision
#1nspiring introduced me to a warm network of experienced entrepreneurs who inspire and help each other grow. They support me with my challenge to create a great valuable proposition. This literally pushes my boundaries. #1nspiring moves you forward. As long as you are open to new opportunities, anything is possible.
Iris Versluis, Cyaniris
Hocus, pocus, focus is what #1nspiring said and my business idea was ready to be read. Blessed with new ideas and moving on… #1nspiring, inspired me to help others to get their business groove on.
Salina Chisholm, Entrepreneur & coach
#1nspiring is a fast and easy way to start a business. It is organized and structured as a business canvas. It is much simpler to deploy and to start with.
Jaime San Martin, Atlann
Client feedback is really the oxygen of innovation, and clients now want it fast and simple.
That’s the #1nspiring way! Mihaljo Vucetic, Fused Coaching
Trial and error is part of life, however, by learning from the experiences of the #1nspiring experts, you can accelerate and increase the quality of this life journey! Johan C.M. Baardemans
It is like Walt Disney said: The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
That’s #1nspiring to me, learning by doing!
Michel Ariens, Yourcrew.online
Take your business plan to the next level. Together with experts and mentors we’ll inspire you and explain how to successfully plan your business.
Erik Broekhuijsen, Growth Expert & Mentor
Thank you for a great #1nspiring Day. It was truly inspiring for me, with a wonderful atmosphere. The model you have shared with us is a powerful business instrument. Simple and effective, it quickly delivers guidance and clarity to entrepreneurs in order to make them move to the next stage. I was really inspired by this approach and I will happily share your inspiration, as an entrepreneur and a business consultant.
Adi Ploscaru
The refreshing insights during the #1nspiring Days in Amsterdam are very valuable for the participating entrepreneurs. They provide an open-minded and comfortable environment to encourage everyone: starters, but also the old hands in business.
Jolanta van Holstein
#1nspiring is a place for you to translate your ideas into a map of actions. An eye-opening session that will propel you to do amazing things.
Marta Blocka
A perfect way to structure your business activities and stay on track of your strategy.
Jaap Sybenga, Founder & CEO Djeepo
A mind-opening project which let us roam freely through the bigger picture of our own business.
Andra Gheorghe, Commercial Manager, Depanero
I had a very insightful day. The coaches were really helpful and inspiring me to think outside the box about my projects. The name of #1nspiring Day really says enough; a lot of inspiration and new insights.Stijn Kuijper – Entrepreneur
Thank you for a nice workshop! I found it #1nspiring! It makes me happy to see that entrepreneurs like you have a passion for spreading their knowledge to other entrepreneurs. It was short but powerful.
Joanne Marczak – ID Labs & co-founder Eye-sense
The #1nspiring canvas helps you to think about your ideas and to convert them into a realistic business plan. Using the inspiration canvas makes it easier to define your business goals and strategy. And with help from the coaches and other attendants (if needed) you create a realistic action plan within a day.
Annette Beerepoot – Innovator
I can highly recommend joining for an #1nspiring Day. It helped me focus on my goals to scale-up my business. #1nspiring and partners will help you build your business using the easy and effective #1nspiring model.
Bart Heijting, LiveRewired
#1nspiring gave me the opportunity to step out of my business and take a good look at where I’m going and if I’m on the right path. The guidance and advice of the great business experts made this a truly inspirational day witch helped me getting ready for the next steps. I would recommend #1nspiring to everyone who has a great idea, everyone who’s in a startup en those of you who are ready for scale-up.
Cindy Visser, Vissers HR Solutions
#1nspiring has been extremely helpful over the past few months. They introduced me to some fantastic people and have also given us feedback on what we’re doing, which has allowed us to refine our work, and create more leads as a result. I’m very thankful to have had the opportunity to work with them and look forward to future outcomes.
Tom Charman, NAVA
As an entrepreneur you can do with some inspiration every now and then. The #1nspiring Day is the perfect place to do so. On the #1nspiring Day I got the opportunity to talk to the people who are ‘getting there’ as well as the people ‘who already got there’ so you can learn from both parties. The guidance from the coaches is especially useful since their experience can help you shed some light on some of your problems as well as learning to keep things simple. Why are you doing what you are doing, who is it for and what problems are you solving for your customers? Valuable lessons on a very inspirational day!
Muriël Horst, Equs Film
I learned one important thing during the #1nspiring day: Look for the answer inside your question. The examples and enthusiasm make the #1nspiring Day a day full of positive energy, growth and creation.
Anne-Sophie Schurmann, &Thijs